Why am I learning

26 Jan 2024

What am I doing in the future

In the future, I havn’t decided what I want to be. However I want to use the skills that I learned and the experiences which I have studied abroad If I will get the jobs. When I was in high school, I didn’t have clear goals for the future and I decided to study programming because I like to play videogames. And while playing video games, I noticed that I am good at doing simple things constantly for a long time. For example, I’m not good at Design and building very large structures but I am good at collecting the materials for the construction in minecraft.

What should I need to learn

In the minecrft, It has farm that is a system that automatically collects several types of items. If it is built, it can get those items semi-permanently. If it exists in the real world, It could make my life easier. So I want to develop this kind of system or improve existing systems in the future. I think this is the reason why I am learning programming. So I need to know a wide range of knowledge of programming.

How to get the knowledge

If I just say that I want to gain a huge amount of knowledge, I don’t have enough time in my life. So I will get closer knowledge one by one. First, through this class, I will learn soft engineering and also learn a new language, Javascript, at the same time. In software development, there are also many kinds of styles as the programming languages, so I would like to touch on these while I am learning in this school.